Jun 28, 2019
This week Sam finds something that proves the existence of giants...in Kelly's opinion, the Missoula Mauler escalates his atrocities, & we try to keep track of how many people are on screen, reviewing the getaway gone wrong nightmare, Elle Callahan's, 'Head Count'. Don't check out our original shows ("It's Been a Weird Week" and "A Conversation With...") exclusively on Brew. All episodes are available now exclusively on our Patreon page. Want even more? Support us at http://patreon.com/frightday at the $4 level or above. Keep our mini-fridges full of blood...I mean...not blood...normal things that people drink...by going to http://shop.frightday.com Theme music by Cemeteries Follow us in the shadows at the following places: @byronmckoy @samfrightday @kellyfrightday @frightday http://frightday.com http://facebook.com/groups/frightday http://instagram.com/frightday http://facebook.com/ffrightdayy