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Nov 24, 2019

8,000 year old monument Turkey, family avenges daughter's death by "Chris Hanson"-ing a serial killer, Pilgrims stink/stunk, howls and shrieks confuse Canadians, and Mars is infested. 
It's been a weird week...

Don't check out our original shows ("It's Been a Weird Week" and "A Conversation With...")...

Nov 22, 2019

Way back in 2015 we met Adam Egypt Mortimer in the mountains of Colorado, where he screened his first film, "Some Kind of Hate".  During our talk, he mentioned a "biggest budget movie", that they couldn't make work at the time..."Daniel Isn't Real" is that movie...and it's real.

Watch the film in select theaters and on...

Nov 17, 2019

This week Kelly lies a couple times, we walk through a Thanksgiving Day worst-case scenario, & talk shine, steam, shining, and more stream, reviewing Mike Flanagan's sequel to the ShiningDoctor Sleep.

Don't check out our original shows ("It's Been a Weird Week" and "A Conversation With...") exclusively on Brew....

Nov 10, 2019

This week we put our Jack-o'-lanterns to rest, learn a thing or three about just what "Turkey Month" can be, & inspect the condition of Robert Egger's hallucinatory follow-up to The Witch, reviewing The Lighthouse.

Don't check out our original shows ("It's Been a Weird Week" and "A Conversation With...") exclusively on...

Nov 2, 2019

This week a we discuss Halloween adulting, boo-by trap the grey room, & read your factual & frightening, submitted stories!

Want to be included next time?
Email your true, terrifying tale to

Don't check out our original shows ("It's Been a Weird Week" and "A Conversation With...") exclusively on...