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Aug 29, 2023

While we're on a quick summer break, enjoy a repackaging of our 2019 series about the Missoula Mauler, Wayne Nathan Nance. 

Once a month, we record the podcast live at Don't miss out! Follow/subscribe now. 
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Frightday LLC
PO Box 372
Lolo, MT 59847

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Aug 22, 2023

Week two, but for folks who don't know...for over a year now, we've been doing Friday night broadcasts on Twitch where we discuss all the bizaree stories that we wish we had the time to deep dive into, but can't due to the production schedule of Frightday. Until now, replays of this program have only been available to...

Aug 18, 2023

This week it's Family Friendly #2 at Frightday, Byron's seat is stolen by a special guest, and with Kelly the two talk ghosts, grief, and things that our guest will really enjoy when they're old enough, reviewing Justin Simien's Haunted Mansion.

Once a month, we record the podcast live at

Aug 12, 2023

This is a preview of the content you can unlock when you become a member of the Frightday Society at 

The podcast you MUST hear from the beginning... Or not at all!... Join us as we explore the complicated genius of Alfred Hitchcock's greatest masterpiece. The film that shocked the nation and...

Aug 6, 2023

To unlock the full episode, join the Frightday Society FREE FOR A WEEK at for access to this, and much, much more.

Now that we've established the players in this historic hearing, Kelly further breaks down  accounts, questions asked, what is allowed to be answered, and to what degree.
