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Nov 27, 2023

This week we our ruining of final November Thursday's continues as we discussing the worst disaster in United States sporting history... Might make you a bit more careful around the oven this year. 

Grab Camp Frightday III merch, and sign up for IV!
Once a month, we record the podcast live at 

Nov 26, 2023

This week we dispel an annoying turkey talking point, and discuss the possibly tragic incidents that could be causing a mile long stretch of railroad in Western Pennsylvania to be haunted. 

Once a month, we record the podcast live at Don't miss out! Follow/subscribe now. 
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Nov 25, 2023

This is a preview of the content you can expect when you support us by joining the Frightday Society at Part two will be available the day after this episode releases, so if you want more, it's there. 

This week we're feeling great and grateful as we talk al the non-genre things that have...

Nov 21, 2023

Another Casual Frightday, another quick reminder for folks who don't know...for over a year now, we've been doing Friday night broadcasts on Twitch where we discuss all the bizaree stories that we wish we had the time to deep dive into, but can't due to the production schedule of Frightday.
Until now, replays of this...

Nov 14, 2023

This is a preview of the content you can expect when you support us by joining the Frightday Society at Part two will be available the day after this episode releases, so if you want more, it's there. 

This week we walk down the life patch of modern horror explorer (and Netflix darling),...